To understand, why I chose to be a Happiness Life Coach, I have to go back a couple of decades and slightly more because that’s where my origins in the science of happy were. I had been in the Information Technology industry ever since I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Engineering with a specialization in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I had just completed 22 years of age when I got my first job in the field. While I was pursuing my Bachelor’s studies, I got terribly distracted. When I was in my first year of college, I got attracted to a woman. While we both were in great company for about 6 months, soon enough she lost interest in me. That made me unhappy and go mad. After I graduated from college, I wanted a job in the field of my specialization.

I went to work in an automobile parts factory as a trainee engineer and didn’t survive there for more than a day. Then, I took to freelance teaching High school students, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. Although I liked teaching, I was not getting enough students and the money I was making was not enough to sustain my daily basic expenses. Yet, for want of a better job, I continued doing it. That’s when my neighbor spoke to my mom and suggested that I apply for a job in her company, where she worked as a Personal Secretary to a director. Within a few days, I got a call to write an aptitude test. I scored well on the test, the result came out great. I was called to attend the interview that same evening, and I got selected for the job.

The work was mundane and I was having no interest in the job. I got distracted. I took to learning vocal singing and learned vocal singing for about 6 months before I was turned down by the teacher. I did not give up. I went to a different teacher to learn vocal singing. However, I was again turned down by this teacher after about 4 months. I bought a new Yamaha RX 135 motorbike and riding the bike became my new passion. After about a year and a half on my first job, I was fired

The bitter experience of being fired from my first job made me really unhappy. I was not sure how to continue with life without a salary. So I started hunting for a job immediately and managed to find my next job within a week. I was fired up to be a great performer in my job and decided to apply all the resources at my disposal to do my job exceedingly well. After about a couple of years of slogging at the job, I got an opportunity to be interviewed by a company with headquarters in Chicago, IL. I joined the company in Mumbai, and within about 2 months, I got my work visa stamped on my passport and flew to USA.

I worked in the USA for about 6 years, and then returned to India. Upon my return to India, I got a dream job and have continued there in different roles and responsibilities. After being an IT project manager, for about a couple of years, I got trained as a Scrum Master and thus began my journey into Agile Coaching and subsequently into life coaching and now happiness coaching. Now, coming to the question at hand, why did I choose Happiness Coaching as my niche? I have seen both happy and unhappy moments in my life. While I view them equanimously, I realized that the effect the states of mind had on my outcomes was simply noteworthy. For example, when I was happy, the decisions I took had a very good effect on my outlook and approach towards life. When I was unhappy, the decisions I took had a debilitating effect on my outcomes. This is the science of happy. I decided to be happy. But that alone was not sufficient to fulfill the purpose of my life. I had to show people why it was important to be happy and how to make happiness a conscious choice. That is why I chose to be a happiness life coach.

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Finding happiness in 2020 and beyond

Finding happiness in 2020 and beyond I spoke to you in the pandemic year and how the pandemic made our lives (both personal and professional) miserable. All is not lost.

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Why did I choose to be a Happiness Coach?

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Happiness Coach Bharath M,
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Why did I choose to be a Happiness Coach?